Mimosa Pithics

Kinetic artwork that merges kinetic interaction technology and the traditional craft of pith paper

"Mimosa Pithics" is a kinetic artwork that merges mechanical technology with the traditional craft of pith paper, a cultural asset unique to the Hsinchu region in Taiwan. The piece utilizes shape memory alloy (SMA) and physical computing to infuse traditional pith paper flower-making techniques with interactive technology, creating a bio-mimetic kinetic art expression. By integrating digital technology with handcraft traditions, this work revitalizes pith paper craftsmanship, showcasing a dialogue between the traditional and the contemporary.

The creation processes highlights collaboration with Hsinchu’s local pith paper industry, promoting cultural creativity, technological advancement, and educational research. This showcases the institution's role in fostering sustainable cultural and technological development at the local level.

Technologically, the artwork utilizes SMA to develop soft structures that unfold or close the pith petals when heated, emulating natural biomimetic motion. Infrared sensors embedded at the tip of each petal detect when the viewer’s hand approaches, triggering an internal system that activates the current, causing the SMA to contract and the flower petals to open. This kinetic interaction not only provides an engaging experience but also accentuates the detailed craftsmanship and texture of the pith paper.  

This piece goes beyond exploring the fusion of technology and craftsmanship; it reflects on the cultural significance of pith paper. Historically, pith has been renowned for its lifelike qualities, as described by the Song dynasty scholar Su Shi in Four Flowers Resembling Each Other (宋代蘇軾《四花相似說》). The artificial flowers created from pith were often indistinguishable from real ones. "Mimosa Pithics" pays homage to this tradition while deepening the dialogue between nature and machinery through contemporary technologies like Artificial Life Art, Kinetic Art, Generative Art, and Biomimetic Media. It opens a new chapter for pith paper craftsmanship within the context in contemporary age.

"The Cultural and Historical Context of Taiwan Pith Paper"
Source: Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS)

Taiwanese pith paper (通草紙, tōngcǎo zhǐ) is a significant cultural heritage material, traditionally crafted from the inner pith of the Tetrapanax papyrifer plant. Originating from Taiwan’s subtropical forests, this unique craft has been historically used in fine arts, floral painting, and decorative applications due to its delicate texture and translucent qualities.

This work explores the intersection of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary digital fabrication, drawing inspiration from natural materials and processes. By integrating pith paper with computational design and hybrid fabrication techniques, the project reinterprets its artistic potential in new media contexts. Through this approach, it reflects on the evolving dialogue between heritage and innovation, emphasizing the role of materiality in shaping artistic expression across different eras.


《含羞花 / Mimosa Pithicssens》是一項結合機械動力技術與新竹地區特有文化資產——蓪草工藝的動態藝術作品。此作運用了形狀記憶合金(Shape Memory Alloy, SMA)和實體運算科技,將傳統蓪草紙花工藝注入現代科技,創造出具有生物擬態的動力藝術表現。透過融合數位技術與手工藝的發展,作品賦予蓪草工藝新的生命力,展現出傳統與當代的對話。

該作品於日本岩手縣日本東北藝術與科技國際競賽「Art & Technology Tohoku」展出,與日本強調自然材質與手工技藝的民藝文化更有所呼應共鳴,透過該次發表也促進了與當地學者及民藝機構的跨文化交流。此次展覽呈現了位於新竹市的國立清華大學通識教育中心與當地蓪草工藝產業的在地參與合作,發展融合文化創意、科技與教學研究的課貴發展,呈現教育機構在地方,以文化與科技共構的永續發展方向。



這件作品不僅是對技術與工藝融合的探索,更是一種對蓪草文化資產的反思。蓪草自古以來便以其栩栩如生的仿真詮釋著稱,如宋代蘇軾在《四花相似說》中所述,蓪草製作的假花常與真花難以區分。而此作品在傳承這一傳統美學的同時,借助當代的人工生命藝術(Artificial Life Art)、動力藝術、衍生藝術(Generative Art)及仿生媒體(Biomimetic Media)等技術,深化了自然與機械之間的擬真對話,開啟了蓪草工藝在當代藝術視野中的新生。

《含羞花 / Mimosa Pithics》是一個結合新竹特有的蓪草工藝與數位科技的創作研究成果,展示了傳統工藝與現代技術的跨領域整合與創新。藉由這次獲獎激勵,本單位將持續耕耘將台灣的在地文化資產,延展至與科技和新創意結合的推動。在日本東北藝術與科技國際競賽「Art & Technology Tohoku 2024」發表中,我們積極與來自世界各地的學者交流,開啟未來國際拓展的機會。逐步地讓國立清華大學在新竹的在地工藝與產業創新的成果在競賽中被國際認識。 未來將以以下重點發展,讓校園與新竹在地蓪草文化資產進行傳承與永續發展。

(1)  技術深化與課程結合:作品利用機械動力、實體運算和數位孿生技術,模擬蓪草花瓣的動態,開發技術模組,展示傳統工藝與現代技術的結合。這些實作技術將以教材模組的角度,發展成實作工作坊整合在「創意設計向度」課程中,培養學生「跨學科STEAM教育」的學習與創新能力。  

(2)  國際曝光與學術交流:持續參加像是日本東北藝術與科技國際競賽性質的國際競賽與活動,將台灣蓪草文化資產與科技藝術應用的創研成果前往國際舞台,增加國際曝光度。並與國際相關屬性的發展單位建立交流網絡,促進更多學研交流與合作機會,以培養更多學生畢業後投入將台灣文化資產傳承,並以科技創新的角度,進行文創商品開發的創新產業發展。

(3)  推動大學社會責任與文化資產永續發展:延續本作品開發過程過去的進行方式,強調將大學教學研究資源與地方文化資源內容結合,並與地方文化產業(本案與蓪草文化藝術工作室合作)從業人員合作,架構合理的研發方向。以新科技、符合當代美學與生活品味的新觀點,推動新的文創商品發展方向,提升地方性的工藝產業升級,強化大學對於社會責任實踐的自主性發展,從中培養出發能提升展產業轉型的文化創意人才。

All images and videos courtesy Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang and The NTHU BioLogicDesign.