Robotic Naguri
Exploring Robotic Digital Fabrication with Traditional Manual Wood Chiseling
This project centers on a "technology-driven" creative research approach, exploring how robotic digital manufacturing techniques can integrate with traditional manual wood chiseling methods. The aim is to develop highly precise and scalable operational workflows that facilitate opportunities for human-robot collaboration. This research seeks to create a novel chiseling and carving technique for woodworking by applying digital design and robotic manufacturing methods to the field of craftsmanship.
In terms of digital design, the project adopts algorithmic and parametric design methodologies, starting with an analysis of wood grain to develop chisel texture programming capable of defining orderly line patterns. This effort further advances a mechanism for generating repeatable textures. These textural structures serve as the foundation for patterns spanning the material surface, designed to align with the techniques of chiseling.
For robotic digital manufacturing, the project utilizes the Rhino/Grasshopper environment alongside a self-developed TACO KUKA software plugin to construct an integrated industrial robotic arm control framework. Incorporating the concept of a Digital Twin, this framework simulates machining scenarios in a virtual environment, enabling the design and optimization of robotic workflows. Through bidirectional iterations between digital simulation and physical manufacturing, parameters are adjusted and robotic movements refined to achieve continuous improvement and optimization.

Ultimately, this project aims to develop a digital manufacturing process tailored for wood chiseling craftsmanship. By merging physical and virtual environments, it seeks to realize innovative techniques and explore advanced models of human-robot collaborative craftsmanship.
Artist/Director: Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang
BioLogicDesign Team: Deng-Feng Jiang, Jie-Ke Pan, Yi-Hua Ho
Collaborator: Shih-Yuan Wang (Robotic Tech Developer)
在機械手臂數位製造上,計畫運用Rhino/Grasshopper環境及自行開發的TACO KUKA軟體外掛,構建一個整體的工業機械手臂控制架構。此架構結合數位孿生(Digital Twin)的概念,於虛擬環境中模擬加工場景,進而設計並優化機械手臂的作業流程。透過數位模擬與實體製造的雙向迭代,調整參數並改進手臂運動方式,以達成改良和優化的目標。
最終,本計畫開發一套適用於木材鑿刀工藝的數位製造流程,將實體與虛擬環境結合,發展「順紋生長」、「異紋擾動 」兩件梧桐木成品,以此示範人機協作在工藝領域的作業模式,以及數位化鑿刀雕刻技法的可行性
All images and videos courtesy Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang and The NTHU BioLogicDesign.