Sensitive Floral
A Real-Time Generative Graphical System Mimic the Reactive Characteristics of Mimosa Pudica
"Sensitive Floral" is a real-time interactive generative graphics that draws inspiration from the delicate responsive behaviors of the Mimosa pudica, a plant renowned for its rapid response movements. This work digitally emulates the reactive characteristics of Mimosa Pudica through a biomimetic approach, integrating fractal tree data structures with Cellular Automata (CA) grid computing. The system's recursive algorithms and parametric geometric relationships guide the contant evoking organic form, resulting in an immersive and tactile visual experience that blends the aesthetics of natural phenomena with generative design logic. Through real-time interaction, the audience can initiate a ripple of shrinking petals with a simple touch. This ripple propagates through the local communication between 32,767 branch nodes, utilizing a grid computing mechanism within a binary tree structure. This innovative application of grid computing in a recursive binary tree enables real-time localized data exchange, coordinating the folding movements of 163,835 lines based on the status of each branch node. These lines represent the floral leaves and fluff, mimicking the emergent behaviors observed in the Mimosa pudica.
At its core, "Sensitive Floral" transcends its dynamic visual aesthetics by delving into deeper explorations of adaptation, emergent behavior, and biomimicry. The work merges biologically-inspired computing with interactive art, examining the intricate relationship between coding rules, geometric structures, and data visualization.
Inspired by the captivating movements of Mimosa pudica, this artwork echoes a deeper ecological narrative. In nature, the plant’s reflexive movements are evolutionary adaptations—designed to ward off insects, much like the predatory behaviors of other sensitive plants, such as the Cape Sundew and the Venus Flytrap. These plants lure their prey into traps, using a similar reflexive mechanism to ensure survival.
In Sensitive Floral, this predatory narrative is reimagined and translated into the digital realm. The virtual flora’s reactive, petal-folding movements, triggered by the human touch, create an interaction that is playful and visually engaging. However, this seemingly innocent interaction also serves as a metaphor for our growing dependency on digital technologies. The audience, much like the insects drawn to predatory plants, becomes engrossed in the responsive behaviors of the artificial flora. As users become captivated by the digital allure of the artwork, the piece subtly critiques our modern reliance on digital media—a dependency so pervasive that our hands, like insects to a trap, can scarcely leave the screen.
This work presents a satirical reflection on how technology, a construct of human invention, has become the very mechanism that consumes us. Just as the insects are consumed by the natural world, humans are enveloped by the digital environments we have created. The interaction within Sensitive Floral poses a thought-provoking question: Are we on the brink of a new form of ecological balance—one where virtual creature and artificial intelligence redefine our relationship with the natural world?
Interaction Dynamics: fractal tree Structures with embedded grid computing mechanism. This video demonstrates the combination of fractal tree data structure and grid computing like cellular automaton mechanism, and shows the local information exchange model. The dynamic interaction between each branch and the outside stimulus, where green dots represent touch-activated responses, illustrating the real-time dynamics of the artwork responding to user interaction.

The above presesntation PDF shows the ideas, context, technical development processes and the visual documents of the Sensitive Floral project.
「Sensitive Floral」 是一件互動式的衍生藝術作品,靈感來自於含羞草 (Mimosa pudica) 精巧的反應行為。這個作品仿以數位仿生建構了這些反應特徵,將碎形樹資料結構(Fractal Tree)與細胞自動機 (Cellular Automata, CA) 的網格計算結合在一起。透過遞歸算法 (Recursion) 和幾何規則設定驅動該即時衍生圖像系統進行形態變化,帶來了融合自然特徵與衍生設計邏輯的沉浸式觸覺視覺體驗。觀者能即時與之互動,驅動花瓣曲反應,這種收縮擴散的動態是從 32,767 個樹狀分枝的節點,進行與相鄰節點間的區域資料交換的運算,驅動 163,835 象徵花瓣型態的線條產生折疊動態,產生模仿含羞草一般的群體葉片動態的突顯行為(Emergent Behavior)反應。
核心上,「Sensitive Floral」 作品不僅止於動態視覺美感表現,更深入探討了適應性(adaptation)、突顯行為(emergent behavior)與仿生學(biomimicry)的議題。這件作品結合了仿生演算法與互動藝術,探討了編碼規則、運算幾何與資料視覺化之間的複雜關係,
這件作品從含羞草的動態中獲得啟發,延生出更深層次的生態敘事。在自然界中,植物的反射動作是一種為了生存而演化的適應行為,用以驅趕害蟲,正如其他敏感植物 (Sentive Plant) 如毛氈苔 (Cape Sundew) 和捕蠅草 (Venus Flytrap),它們引誘獵物進入陷阱,並使用類似的反射機制確保捕食。
在 「Sensitive Floral」 中,這種捕食的情節被重新想像,並轉化為數位型態。虛擬花瓣的折疊運動將由觀者的觸摸觸發,創造出一個充滿趣味與視覺吸引力的互動體驗。然而,這看似無害的互動也暗示了我們日益依賴數位媒介的現象。人類就像被誘餌吸引的昆蟲一樣,沉浸於人工花卉的反應行為中。當觀者被這數位仿生圖像吸引時,作品隱隱諷刺了我們對數位媒介的現代依賴——一種使我們的手指無法離開螢幕的現象。
All images and videos courtesy Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang and The NTHU BioLogicDesign.