poetic shodow light with vaulted aesthetics in space

Volta is an alternative coffee table design, inspired by the rib vault of the cathedral. This work hopes to interpret the visual appeal and beauty of the arched structure from a human perspective when look up at the space of the cathedral. The designer uses a frame form composed of cross or diagonal arched ribs as a basis rule to explore the structural lines and shapes of the object. The design of the table legs refers to the structure’s arched structure column. The special arc-shaped steel plates are staggered at a 45-degree angle to form the support structure of the tabletop.
The object uses a half-reflective glass as its table-top surface. In daily mode, it presents a special transparent color, allowing users to appreciate the both functional and beautiful structural lines under the table. In the night lighting mode, through the refraction and reflection between its inside light source and the half-reflective glass used on the desktop, the object can project the beauty of the arched building into the indoor environment in the form of light and shadow.

In the design making processes and manufacturing tasks, the first version uses metal sculpture approach to manually bend and weld steel bars to make the main structure. The second version is an improved version of the first version. Designer used CAD and CNC to cut steel plates to accurately fabricate the structure. In the structural design, special consideration is given to lightweight and visual performance, and the assembly details are also considered to ensure manufacturing feasibility.
This work interprets the visual appeal and beauty of the arched structure from a human perspective when look up at the space of the cathedral. Through the refraction and reflection between its inside light source and the half-reflective glass used on the desktop, the object can project the beauty of the arched building into the indoor environment in the form of light and shadow.

1. 概要
《拱形 Volta》 是一款咖啡桌設計,結合了建築構造美學與光雕表現,運用肋狀拱頂線條的啟發,並利用數位製造技術以鋼構呈現肋狀拱頂的結構形式,發展出桌腳和桌面一體成形的造形。此外,光雕的手法也被應用於本作品中,透過虛擬光影呈現古典建築裡的空間語彙和構造美感。在設計實踐上,本作品運用數位設計與製造方法,切割與組裝鋼版,呈現肋狀拱頂的結構形式,並以一體成形的雕塑造形呈現桌腳和桌面。在互動設計方面,本雕塑底部設有一小型機構來控制光源的投射點,可與使用者的相對位置互動,與桌面上的半反射玻璃進行折射與反射的對話變化光影,將拱形結構線條以空間性的光影表現於環境中。 本作品結合了傳統建築的美學元素和現代數位製造技術,透過光雕的表現方式呈現出不同的視覺效果,實現了建築構造和光影表現的完美結合。
2. 創作內容與概念
《拱形 Volta》這件作品的命名是為了致敬於最早在羅馬帝國時期開始發展的建築形式「拱」。這種建築形式在英語中稱為vault,一詞來自於法語 voûte,而法語中的拱頂一詞更源自於最早的義大利語volta。這件作品靈感來自於古典教堂建築的肋狀拱頂,我將這種古典建築的空間語彙與構造美感詮釋與再表現,並利用當代新興科技的數位製造技術,以鋼構呈現肋狀拱頂的結構形式,以此發展出桌腳與桌面一體成形的雕塑造形。透過光雕的手法,使得原本存在於古典建築裡的空間語彙與構造美感以虛擬光影的形式,呈現於現代室內環境中。
3. 光影表現
4. 展覽發表
這件品獲得義大利A’Design設計獎家具設計類的銅獎,更獲被義大利 ARSCITY 媒體評為2021年 A’Design 設計獎中最具原創性的10件家具類作品,並以義大利文提到:「該作品將拱形建築之美,以光影的形式投射至室內,創意令人讚嘆。 」(l’oggetto può proiettare la bellezza dell’edificio ad arco nell’ambiente interno sotto forma di luci e ombre.) 此外,該作品受邀參加許多展覽,包括米蘭家具展《新銳設計師衛星展》、義大利科摩設計博物館《全球設計展》、高雄駁二特區《M空間―FORMOSA雕塑雙年展》、台北美術館《末日感性:臺灣新媒體藝術》波蘭返國展
5. 後續發展
造形部分,以雷射切割金屬片的方式,發展造形其實是有利於量產發展與開發的。後續將強化造形的多樣性與表現力,將以佛羅倫斯聖母百花聖殿 (Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore) 為主題,研究建築師Filippo Brunelleschi的穹頂曲線,使用原8隻柱位向內彎曲支撐的拱形曲線,向外發展懸臂的挑空的形式發展構造與組合的接合關係,並以此發展新版的結構美感。再下一步,研究台灣傳統建築的斗拱懸臂結構,爲家具家飾領域,帶來建築結構美學的審美觀。
All images and videos courtesy Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang and The NTHU BioLogicDesign.